Level Up Your Business and Your Life

Our student Jenn at her Show Debut at Crazy Daisies Art Market June 2023


When I first started making jewelry, I didn’t know what I was doing.

I had a full-time job at the time, so I wasn’t relying on my jewelry to pay my mortgage just yet.

Thank goodness for that because…

I had THE worst looking booth at my first show. It was truly awful. I made all the mistakes but still, it was a starting point.

When I first set up my ETSY page I had terrible photos-so cringey. I was hoping my fun product descriptions would make up for my lack of photo skills. Yeah. Nope. I needed to work harder on my photos.

One of the first stores where I began selling my work required me to work in the store twice a month AND took a big cut of my sales. When I finally did the math, I realized I was LOSING money selling my work there! Ugh.

Pretty Embarrassing!

But I got a little better each time…

Looking back, I did get something out of each of these experiences and I used them to continue making improvements.

It took a long time to do it this way, but I know much more now than I did when I began 13 years ago.

At my first show in 2013 I made around $170. At my last show in 2025, I made over $5000.

To be honest, my jewelry design and aesthetic hasn’t changed much.

My prices aren’t even drastically higher-but the things I DID change made a BIG IMPACT over time.

I’m ready to share what has worked for me, to save you the trial and error approach.

I think it helps to hear from a variety of perspectives, so I’m teaming up with Marissa Perkins, an Artist who was laid off from her day job during COVID and built a thriving jewelry business in just 2 years, selling at shows, stores and online + teaching classes as well.

Marissa does around 30 shows a year and has a background in photography and a wonderful way of lighting up the room with her energy and wisdom.

You are going to be walking on air out of this training, filled with inspiration and possibilities.

Here are some of the topics we’ll be covering:

Preparing to Sell Your Work

We will give you a full overview of what you need to get your work ready to sell.

From developing a collection and finding the right show or store, to accepting payment for your work.

We will lay the foundation and craft a plan to achieve your first sales!

Visual Branding and Online Sales

Begin to develop your own personal brand

Capture the essence of your brand through stand-out photos

Edit and curate photos

Grow your following on social media

Get started selling your work on ETSY or your own site

Selling in Stores

Get prepared to reach out to stores to carry your work.

Learn the different options available and how to approach them.

Getting into Shows

We'll show you how to position your work to get accepted into juried shows.

We’ll cover the application process, booth design tips and how to prepare for the show itself.

Expand Your Options

We’ll cover different ways you can make money beyond jewelry sales and grow a sustainable business that feeds your soul AND your family.

You’ll leave class with a plan to strengthen your work, present it to the world and continue building on your success!

The price of this One-Day Live workshop is $139.00 and includes lunch, laughter and surprises!